If you didn’t know already, I’m making a game based on my failed attempt of trying to draw Mario from memory named Meewiiak. The will be called The Adventures of Meewiiak: The Game. I haven’t revealed many details about it like the plot or anything because I don’t exactly know how to tell you it. What I can say is that just like FNF, this game will be a tribute to Newgrounds, featuring characters new and old. The game will be split into 3 chapters. Right now, I’ll attempt to describe the gameplay of these chapters. All of these concepts are in my head as of now and haven’t actually been made into a game yet. It’s very likely that some things will change in the finished product.
Chapter 1 will basically be your standard Mario game, with 8 worlds and 4 levels (+ 1 bonus level) in each of them. So it’s basically Super Mario Bros. Except there will be Key Coins. Key Coins will be the key (no pun intended) to get the true ending of the game. There will be 3 of them in each level. Collect them all to unlock these bonus levels to defeat a boss in order to get a star. You need 8 stars in order to get the good ending of Chapter 1 1. In my opinion, the REAL game doesn’t start until Chapter 2, where the REAL fun begins!
Like I said before, Chapter 2 is where the real game starts. Right now, I’ve ran out of brain power to describe what the other chapters will be like, but what I’m able to say right now is that this is where the Newgrounds characters start showing up and where the whole tribute part ties into. If you’re interested, you can follow me so you can be updated on more news of the game. I’ll tell you about Chapter 2 very soon.
Also, the game is planning to have an August 21st, 2023 release date. Also also, the game will be non-profitable, as it’s a parody of Mario and Nintendo. If Nintendo finds out I’m getting money off of this, they’ll sue me for sure. So that’s why I’ll be getting nothing from it. Like I said, If you’re interested in the game’s concept, feel free to follow me and you’ll know when I’ll post new stuff.